It's 2012! So what are you planning to do in this new year? A trip, a new diet, a new relationship or renew old ones, or maybe a new job? So many things are possible when the new year comes. I'm so anxious to see what comes not only my way this year, but what it holds for my family as a whole.
The year 2011 was filled with drama in our family. So many issues surrounding drama with a 16 year old. Many things were done and said, now filled with regret. But, you can only move forward and hope for renewel with a repaired relationship for the future. One thing I so want in 2012 is a year filled with no drama!!
I was able to fill 2011 with a new job and new friendships! I love meeting new people and making new friends. The world is filled with wonderful people...I know I don't make much money at my job, but working with fun, sweet, and loving people makes a job so much better! I'm getting used to being a part-time working mom...but the job at home is the best!!! Kent is looking forward to no drama at his work this year too...whether it be at there or somewhere new!
We will also have the enjoyment of seeing a child graduate from high school and move on in this world. We are looking forward to seeing what his future holds...can't wait to see if he sticks to his plans or how many times he changes them between now and August!!! I'm sure there will be a roller coaster or two to come! He moved away in August of this year to go back to his old school. It was very emotional for Kent, and I had to get used to not having a car pull up with a loud bass blaring...I have come to miss that noise!
As far as myself...I am giving up Diet Coke, getting an exercise plan going, and can't wait to eat healthier!!! I am looking forward to what this year holds. I am appreciating my life more. And, I'm going to appreciate my family! Time to get busy...and have NO DRAMA!!!
Don't forget to eat those black-eyed peas today!!!
Are you Losing Weight?
9 years ago