I love my children...each one is different in their own special way! My youngest, Liz, I consider my artist in the family. She is is good at art, plays the piano, and even is good at performing. She actually relishes getting up on stage and isn't afraid to be first in line to perform at her piano recital.
This morning I turned the videos on VH1 because I thought both girls weren't moving too quickly and I figured the music would get them up and about. First was Lady Gaga, then Daughtry, then Adam Lambert...Liz moved a little bit but she kept going back to watch. She asked my why they did that stuff...what does it mean mom...how do they do that? Of course, as a mom of an 8 year old I probably shouldn't be letting her watch a Lady Gaga video. But, coming from a home I grew up in with a mom who was a music teacher I learned early on about Arts and Entertainment and that is exactly what it is...a little extravagant at times I believe. Adam Lambert turned me off at the American Music Awards with his raunchy performance, but it is art and to each his own. Liz and I have had the talk about how they are artists, performing their art in a way they feel reveals the words and meaning behind the song to the world. I have also told her just because they do what they do in a music video doesn't mean she can go out into the world or at school and perform, act out what she is seeing in these performances!!!!
Anyway, as I'm trying to get ready this morning and I look out into the living room my Liz, the performer and artist, was mesmerized by these music videos. Carrie Underwood was on with her new hit "Cowboy Casanova." Liz never moved...never even blinked an eye...she looked like she was looking at the most amazing art piece in the world. Mesmerized....and I was mesmerized looking and watching my beautiful, wonderful daughter!
Are you Losing Weight?
9 years ago
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