Monday, January 18, 2010
It's been a while since my last post and in that time I lost a wonderful part of my life and my upbringing. My Grandfather, James R. Hagan, passed away last Tuesday, January 12, 2010. It was very sudden, but he had told us over the past year he was ready to head home. He was 84 years old. Life will be different now that he is gone. You always wonder when these moments in your life are going to happen but you're never ready for them. He was a minister of the Baptist faith for over 40 years. He loved everyone he met, was a man of integrity, and cherished his family! He and my Grandmother were married over 67 worries how long she can last in this life with a broken heart. My cherished memories are helping him make coffee in the mornings when I was little, listening to him talk about Grandma, and knowing he adored his cats that he spoiled rotten! Tomorrow is my will be my first birthday without him here. I won't get to see him pull into my driveway with Grandma to deliver my Birthday present. It will be a hard day, but I know I will one day see him again! Love you Pacus...
Are you Losing Weight?
9 years ago
Thinking of you and know he will be smiling down on you tomorrow as you start another year of life.
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