I LOVE Spring...my favorite time of the year! Over, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, etc...July 4th is a quick 2nd though. There are many things I love about it...the smell of newly cut grass, the flowers blooming, listening to my kids playing outside, and raising my windows to let that wonderful fresh air in!
I also love Spring because everything is new again...the garden, my flowers, and the baseball season! I love the fresh beginning everything has and it popping out in all its glory. The new baby bunnies, baby birds, watching the Robins dancing in the yard. The 80 degree days! (speaking of which, we may have a couple this week!) Living in tornado alley, waiting for those severe storms that come with the season! Nothing better than hearing the thunder roll in the distance.
Spring Break has come and gone...it was a really good one even though we didn't do much. It was quiet in our home with not much drama. Just me, Kent, and the girls. Planted some lettuce, spinach, and peas in my garden only to have my lab puppy jump the fence and ruin my hard work! I was able to start some Spring cleaning and put some mulch out in the front yard.
Soccer season is about to start...my weekends full of sitting on the sidelines cheering my girls and their teammates to victory. Back to the hour and a half practices twice a week, plus the extra money in gas! But, would not trade a thing to see the joy and fun the girls have hanging out with their teammates! Which comes to another thing...Laura wants to do softball again this year. Do I or don't I? I know I should let her try all the sports she wants...It just ties up the summer!
Everyone in SW MO...get out and enjoy this beautiful weather we're going to have this week. I will probably even have to shave the legs and put on the shorts...ugh! What's your most favorite things about Spring?
Are you Losing Weight?
9 years ago
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