Christmas is a special time of the year for all of us to get together...especially the Davis' clan! We are so busy with our daily lives we never have time it seems for each other...I really miss it! Our niece Addy is growing up so fast and is really getting so big in her personality!! She learned to walk this year and is really great at signing! The best part of our time with the Davis clan was Kent's mom getting Cammie, Scott, Kent, and I each an iPad!!! It is the best thing and I can't put it down...thank you so much to my MIL Nancy!!!

The annual Christmas cookie decorating was done again at Mama's house!!! We had especially bright colors this year! Mama especially had a hard time with our neon orange color...it wasn't a Christmas color to her!!

The family gift this year was the Xbox Kinect we got for the kids...they were happy and I had a blast watching the boys have a dance off on Christmas morning! It will definitely be a part of the New Years Eve festivities!!

Christmas morning came with a visit with Santa...everyone seemed to get what was on their wish list this year. Kory even got a new comforter so I will soon be painting his room to match the new decor!

I love Christmas...what can I say! It just gets better every year! Don't get me wrong...I loved my kids when they were little and full of wonder in their eyes. But the older they get the more helpful, excited, and giving they become. These times are precious to me and I'm so going to miss them when they are all grown up and on their own!!

We had a wonderful time with the extended families...lots of funny things said and done with memories to last a lifetime...like John modeling his new shirt in his best Abercrombie pose or Kory deciding to take off his jeans in the middle of the family room to put on his new jeans. I have pics but I won't put them on the internet...I'll just save them for their Senior video!!!

They are all getting so big...we watched a video on the xbox of years past pics...saw some sweet Christmas pictures of when they were small and we all wondered where time went? When someone finds out how to slow down this life let me know...I want it to so bad!!!

Mom, Cori, and I have started a new tradition it seems...yearly pics of us together! Last year we all had red on without a note to each other and this year it was scarves!!!
Here's to hoping your Christmas was one you won't forget and you were able to make extra special memories with your loved ones!!! Now on to the New Year!!!
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