Friday, January 29, 2010

More snow....UGH!

Friday, January 29th, 2010
Today was another snow day in good ole Nixa...but the kids didn't seem to mind and the dogs enjoyed the snow too! Of course the day will have to be made up on Presidents day, but the kids said two 3-day weekends was better than one 4-day weekend! It's been a snowy and cold winter so far...hope we can make it through February and March without any big snowstorms! That's the time we always get our HEAVY snows. Enjoy the pictures below...I thought they were cute and fun! Have a good weekend everyone! LOVE YA!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Year Older

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday...officially another year older! One always thinks each year as they get older this will be the year to get myself into shape and take care of myself. My goal in my life is to be here forever for my children. They are the most important things in my life. I've spent way too many days saying tomorrow I'm going to do it. Last year I even made the New Years resolution I was going to run in a 5k. I set that goal for myself and never even got close to accomplishing it! I want to be a good example to my family...I want to be that person that eats healthy, exercises, and has plenty of energy to play with the kids! God expects me to be a wonderful example of his love for me and I'm not doing it at this time. I'm eating too much, not an ounce of exercise, and too much TV watching! I'm not taking care of this beautiful body God gave, as of this morning I worked out for 1 hour! I'm sore, but it's a good sore!!! I am looking forward to being that example God expects me to be for my family!!! And, also enjoy the shopping I will eventually get to do for those smaller sizes...I will not give up this time!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Pacus

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been a while since my last post and in that time I lost a wonderful part of my life and my upbringing. My Grandfather, James R. Hagan, passed away last Tuesday, January 12, 2010. It was very sudden, but he had told us over the past year he was ready to head home. He was 84 years old. Life will be different now that he is gone. You always wonder when these moments in your life are going to happen but you're never ready for them. He was a minister of the Baptist faith for over 40 years. He loved everyone he met, was a man of integrity, and cherished his family! He and my Grandmother were married over 67 worries how long she can last in this life with a broken heart. My cherished memories are helping him make coffee in the mornings when I was little, listening to him talk about Grandma, and knowing he adored his cats that he spoiled rotten! Tomorrow is my will be my first birthday without him here. I won't get to see him pull into my driveway with Grandma to deliver my Birthday present. It will be a hard day, but I know I will one day see him again! Love you Pacus...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love my MOM!

January 7, 2010

We are officially cold, snow still on the ground, and school was called off today. The kids were full of anticipation last night wondering if they would have school today. Kory and Laura wondered if they could take Dr. Kleinsmith (our superintendent) some cookies to help him make the "right" decision today!! I didn't get much sleep myself between the phone calls in the middle of the night and one of our dogs needing out and a drink of water...he also worried about the cat all night! But anyway, my mom called earlier and wants to take the girls to a's not that big a deal, but I don't know too many grandmothers who are in their 60's who would get out in this weather and take their grandkids to a movie! Her constant need in life is to be near her family and loving them with no judgement or boundaries! She is my best friend and I know I can count on her to listen...and that is all she does! LISTEN! She doesn't meddle in my life, unless I need her to! She has made soooo many sacrifices for me and my sister....and I love her dearly for it! I try to use her as the prime example of what I need to be for my daughters...loving, patient, kind, stern at times, a friend, and trustworthy. My life would be lost without her...I love you're simply the BEST Mom and Grandma in this world!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010 far!

Snow started falling last evening...and now we have 4 to 5 inches on the ground. It has suddenly turned very cold and snow is forcast about every other day I noticed in the long range forcast. According to Kent, the weatherman said this evening we may even get our heaviest snow yet on Wednesday evening and overnight. The pictures above are what I woke up to this morning...sooooo pretty!

2009 has come and gone and we're 3 days into the new decade. We had a wonderful New Years Eve party with about forty people including kids in our home. There was plenty of food, fun, and fellowship had by all. Here are some pics of the fun...

The kids still have one more day off before the routine starts again. I still need to get all my Christmas decorations down and put my house back together. Getting the routine back to normal will help sooo much. Too much staying up late with the kids...and myself still getting up early! I love the Holidays!