Monday, December 27, 2010

I Loved Christmas

Christmas is a special time of the year for all of us to get together...especially the Davis' clan! We are so busy with our daily lives we never have time it seems for each other...I really miss it! Our niece Addy is growing up so fast and is really getting so big in her personality!! She learned to walk this year and is really great at signing! The best part of our time with the Davis clan was Kent's mom getting Cammie, Scott, Kent, and I each an iPad!!! It is the best thing and I can't put it down...thank you so much to my MIL Nancy!!!

The annual Christmas cookie decorating was done again at Mama's house!!! We had especially bright colors this year! Mama especially had a hard time with our neon orange wasn't a Christmas color to her!!

The family gift this year was the Xbox Kinect we got for the kids...they were happy and I had a blast watching the boys have a dance off on Christmas morning! It will definitely be a part of the New Years Eve festivities!!

Christmas morning came with a visit with Santa...everyone seemed to get what was on their wish list this year. Kory even got a new comforter so I will soon be painting his room to match the new decor!

I love Christmas...what can I say! It just gets better every year! Don't get me wrong...I loved my kids when they were little and full of wonder in their eyes. But the older they get the more helpful, excited, and giving they become. These times are precious to me and I'm so going to miss them when they are all grown up and on their own!!

We had a wonderful time with the extended families...lots of funny things said and done with memories to last a John modeling his new shirt in his best Abercrombie pose or Kory deciding to take off his jeans in the middle of the family room to put on his new jeans. I have pics but I won't put them on the internet...I'll just save them for their Senior video!!!

They are all getting so big...we watched a video on the xbox of years past pics...saw some sweet Christmas pictures of when they were small and we all wondered where time went? When someone finds out how to slow down this life let me know...I want it to so bad!!!

Mom, Cori, and I have started a new tradition it seems...yearly pics of us together! Last year we all had red on without a note to each other and this year it was scarves!!!

Here's to hoping your Christmas was one you won't forget and you were able to make extra special memories with your loved ones!!! Now on to the New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Remembering this day...

Time passes so is so short. But many of us never really pay attention to the small things in life that truly matter. How often do we let life pass us by without truly enjoying that beautiful sunset...the beauty in a child's face...or the love of someone one close that we totally take advantage of? So many times we get caught up in the who, what, where, when, why, and how of life that we forget to taste, smell, see, feel, and hear the things that are most important in our lives.

On this day, eleven years ago, life for me came to a screeching halt in a way I never thought could happen to me. I was at home enjoying my new baby. She was four weeks old and the angel I had been wanting for so long. There were three miscarriages in seven years, several rounds of fertility drugs, and many ups and downs before she came to us. Laura was beautiful the minute we saw her magical face, rosy pink lips, and her gobs of coal black hair. She looked at us with her dark eyes and worked that magical tongue of hers. There wasn't much crying from her just a look of amazement and wonder. If only I had known to look and pay attention to this awesome moment in our not let it go...that one look of seeing his face when he saw her too for the first time.

If only I had payed more attention to that wonderful smell and taste of his steak he only knew too well how to grill. We had so many Indian summer days that fall...hanging out on the back patio...grilling and talking. Another thing...talking...talking with him about his life, travels, experiences, fishing, hunting, Navy life, the things he saw in other countries he visited...where he wanted to take me one day in our future...the west coast of Africa. To him there was no other place like it on the earth.

If only I had payed more attention to that voice of his...his laugh, the way he teased his nieces and nephews. He was a kid at heart and loved to entertain them. He loved to hang out with silly stuff with them, lay on the floor and watch Bambi with them, go fishing with them and help them experience the things that were so precious to him, and chase them around the yard on those beautiful crisp Spring days during the Easter egg hunts. He loved kids...and you Laura was the one he loved the most!

If only I could have more hugs, more kisses, more hellos...more dances on the living room floor. More days ...more hours...more minutes...more seconds. But, God wanted him for something more...maybe more help with the kids that are taken too soon...maybe helping with the dogs who leave us too soon...or maybe with cooking some good ole steaks on the grill? We will never know why...until we meet him again.

Laura...this is for you...and even though he was with you for only a short four weeks of your life...he loved you. He thought you were the cats meow...he would come home at lunch just to check on you. He couldn't keep his hands off you in the mornings before leaving for work...but knew better than to wake a sleeping baby!! He was very proud of you and I know he is still proud of you! I know he watches you each and every minute of the day. He's your guardian angel and always will be...I'm sorry he's not here with you on this earth, but I couldn't think of anyone better to watch over you!!!

Matt...we miss you, your family misses you....06/22/64-12/7/99.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summertime - Where has it gone?

I know it's been a while since I've been on here but it was one enjoyable
summer with my children! We were extremely busy and life was fun.
June flew by with so many activities from soccer camp to acting camp.
Then we had all are relatives from Oregon and Oklahoma here to enjoy
the Ozarks. We enjoyed the lake, Silver Dollar City, and the Spring
Creek pool together. Another 4th of July came and went with the kids shooting off
fireworks and a family BBQ here at's becoming tradition! July turned off
hot with record hot and heat advisories...there were more trips to the lake and
pool. Then...August came...the depression set in that another summer was over!
The last few years I was really ready for the kids to go back to school, but for
some reason I didn't want them to this year...they were fun...they were able
to help themselves and weren't so dependent on me for everything. I know
very soon I will really miss these days...I wouldn't give away this time with
them. I understand more than ever that time is precious and my family
is precious...something my mother often said but I never got...til now!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010!


Addy getting her eggs in the Easter egg

Everyone sitting down to enjoy the Easter

Easter 2010 was the best Easter I can remember in recent past! We went to church and enjoyed a wonderful sermon about always being positive and not letting what happens in the past keep you from being happy. We need to learn to let things go...

We then went to my Mom and Dad's for Easter was a wonderful time with all the family. Being around all the kids (10 to be exact) was a blast...helped me realize it's family and time spent together that's important. Enjoy the pictures from the day...They are all growing up way too fast...but are sooo fun! Hope you had a wonderful day too!

Family pics after church! The kids couldn't wait to get out of the church clothes...

I was finally able to get a good pic of all 4 of my kids together since John didn't work!

John - 16
Kory - 14
Laura - 10
Lizabeth - 8

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Complaints and Advice from Laura & Liz

This morning was an interesting morning...I love my mornings with the girls. (Most of the time) This morning was a good one and funnier than usual. They both bounced out of bed and were quick to eat breakfast. The complaint came from Liz this morning because she can't understand what is taking the "Tooth Fairy" so long to come bring her money and pick up her tooth! You need to understand...this has been going on for a week now and no Tooth Fairy! I keep biting my lip to keep my smile under control. She has finally moved it out to the mantle on the fireplace so that maybe the dogs won't scare her! We've had the conversation before about the dogs maybe scaring the Tooth Fairy with Laura, because she is such a light sleeper and it is impossible to get to the tooth! So anyway, I'm hoping there is a reminder out there for the Tooth Fairy to come tonight!!

The next thing this morning was Laura letting me know I needed more eye makeup on...I guess I slept a little hard and definitely had bags under my eyes. They were rather obvious to Laura too! Her honesty is so innocent and I love how she cares about me! I know one of the days they both will be more critical, but for now I will take the nice advice! I love that the innocence is still there and I will miss it so when it's gone.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I LOVE favorite time of the year! Over, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, etc...July 4th is a quick 2nd though. There are many things I love about it...the smell of newly cut grass, the flowers blooming, listening to my kids playing outside, and raising my windows to let that wonderful fresh air in!

I also love Spring because everything is new again...the garden, my flowers, and the baseball season! I love the fresh beginning everything has and it popping out in all its glory. The new baby bunnies, baby birds, watching the Robins dancing in the yard. The 80 degree days! (speaking of which, we may have a couple this week!) Living in tornado alley, waiting for those severe storms that come with the season! Nothing better than hearing the thunder roll in the distance.

Spring Break has come and was a really good one even though we didn't do much. It was quiet in our home with not much drama. Just me, Kent, and the girls. Planted some lettuce, spinach, and peas in my garden only to have my lab puppy jump the fence and ruin my hard work! I was able to start some Spring cleaning and put some mulch out in the front yard.

Soccer season is about to weekends full of sitting on the sidelines cheering my girls and their teammates to victory. Back to the hour and a half practices twice a week, plus the extra money in gas! But, would not trade a thing to see the joy and fun the girls have hanging out with their teammates! Which comes to another thing...Laura wants to do softball again this year. Do I or don't I? I know I should let her try all the sports she wants...It just ties up the summer!

Everyone in SW MO...get out and enjoy this beautiful weather we're going to have this week. I will probably even have to shave the legs and put on the shorts...ugh! What's your most favorite things about Spring?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wow...where did February Go?

March 15, 2010

Well, I did what I said I wasn't going to do! I haven't been on here in a while and I said I wouldn't do that this year and I was going to put my best foot forward to keeping up with my blog. I was practice and games, seems like lots of homework to keep up with, and hanging out with family and friends! I started WW and have already fallen off the wagon and I need sooooo desperately for the weather to cooperate so I will feel like getting out and walking. I seem to get down whenever that scale isn't cooperating. I hit a plateau after just 6 lbs lost. I do find myself picking better things to there is a positive side in all of this frustration!

My Grandpa's 85th birthday was yesterday! Liz and I went to visit his grave the other day and we're the first to see his marker! I thought that was neat for Liz and I. Spring break starts this Friday...can't wait. Only if the weather will just give us some nice weather. I have often been told the nice warm spring weather doesn't start till after we will probably end up having some snow or something!

March Madness has started...another sign that Spring is here! I love to pick my teams and complain when it doesn't pan out! The whole family usually does's sooo fun to listen to the girls pick their teams! It's usually because of some kind of odd thing about the team!

I LOVE SPRING!!! It's my favorite time of the year!! My spirits are lifting...things are getting done! Before you know it school will be out! Here's too all of you and your making of wonderful Spring memories!

Friday, January 29, 2010

More snow....UGH!

Friday, January 29th, 2010
Today was another snow day in good ole Nixa...but the kids didn't seem to mind and the dogs enjoyed the snow too! Of course the day will have to be made up on Presidents day, but the kids said two 3-day weekends was better than one 4-day weekend! It's been a snowy and cold winter so far...hope we can make it through February and March without any big snowstorms! That's the time we always get our HEAVY snows. Enjoy the pictures below...I thought they were cute and fun! Have a good weekend everyone! LOVE YA!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Year Older

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday...officially another year older! One always thinks each year as they get older this will be the year to get myself into shape and take care of myself. My goal in my life is to be here forever for my children. They are the most important things in my life. I've spent way too many days saying tomorrow I'm going to do it. Last year I even made the New Years resolution I was going to run in a 5k. I set that goal for myself and never even got close to accomplishing it! I want to be a good example to my family...I want to be that person that eats healthy, exercises, and has plenty of energy to play with the kids! God expects me to be a wonderful example of his love for me and I'm not doing it at this time. I'm eating too much, not an ounce of exercise, and too much TV watching! I'm not taking care of this beautiful body God gave, as of this morning I worked out for 1 hour! I'm sore, but it's a good sore!!! I am looking forward to being that example God expects me to be for my family!!! And, also enjoy the shopping I will eventually get to do for those smaller sizes...I will not give up this time!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Pacus

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been a while since my last post and in that time I lost a wonderful part of my life and my upbringing. My Grandfather, James R. Hagan, passed away last Tuesday, January 12, 2010. It was very sudden, but he had told us over the past year he was ready to head home. He was 84 years old. Life will be different now that he is gone. You always wonder when these moments in your life are going to happen but you're never ready for them. He was a minister of the Baptist faith for over 40 years. He loved everyone he met, was a man of integrity, and cherished his family! He and my Grandmother were married over 67 worries how long she can last in this life with a broken heart. My cherished memories are helping him make coffee in the mornings when I was little, listening to him talk about Grandma, and knowing he adored his cats that he spoiled rotten! Tomorrow is my will be my first birthday without him here. I won't get to see him pull into my driveway with Grandma to deliver my Birthday present. It will be a hard day, but I know I will one day see him again! Love you Pacus...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love my MOM!

January 7, 2010

We are officially cold, snow still on the ground, and school was called off today. The kids were full of anticipation last night wondering if they would have school today. Kory and Laura wondered if they could take Dr. Kleinsmith (our superintendent) some cookies to help him make the "right" decision today!! I didn't get much sleep myself between the phone calls in the middle of the night and one of our dogs needing out and a drink of water...he also worried about the cat all night! But anyway, my mom called earlier and wants to take the girls to a's not that big a deal, but I don't know too many grandmothers who are in their 60's who would get out in this weather and take their grandkids to a movie! Her constant need in life is to be near her family and loving them with no judgement or boundaries! She is my best friend and I know I can count on her to listen...and that is all she does! LISTEN! She doesn't meddle in my life, unless I need her to! She has made soooo many sacrifices for me and my sister....and I love her dearly for it! I try to use her as the prime example of what I need to be for my daughters...loving, patient, kind, stern at times, a friend, and trustworthy. My life would be lost without her...I love you're simply the BEST Mom and Grandma in this world!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010 far!

Snow started falling last evening...and now we have 4 to 5 inches on the ground. It has suddenly turned very cold and snow is forcast about every other day I noticed in the long range forcast. According to Kent, the weatherman said this evening we may even get our heaviest snow yet on Wednesday evening and overnight. The pictures above are what I woke up to this morning...sooooo pretty!

2009 has come and gone and we're 3 days into the new decade. We had a wonderful New Years Eve party with about forty people including kids in our home. There was plenty of food, fun, and fellowship had by all. Here are some pics of the fun...

The kids still have one more day off before the routine starts again. I still need to get all my Christmas decorations down and put my house back together. Getting the routine back to normal will help sooo much. Too much staying up late with the kids...and myself still getting up early! I love the Holidays!